Imunify360 from HostCats in Bangalore

Imunify360 secures Linux servers with comprehensive & protection in Bangalore.

Imunify360 stands as a complete protection suite designed explicitly for Linux servers. While Linux itself boasts robust security, the various applications, tools, and configurations administrators implement can introduce vulnerabilities into the environment. To ensure the safety and continuous operation of your servers, Imunify360 takes charge of all anti-malware activities.

Imunify360 Security represents an all-encompassing safety solution, offering powerful cloud-based protection against the latest malware threats. What sets it apart is its seamless integration with your control panel, including cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin. Imunify360 delivers a suite of security features, including Antivirus, Web Application Firewall (WAF), Patch Management, Firewall, PHP Security Layer, Domain Reputation, all presented through a user-friendly interface, and enhanced automation.

One of its notable capabilities is the prevention of malicious PHP scripts, both old and new, from executing on your servers. Leveraging innovative PHP Immunity technology, Imunify360 fortifies web applications, rendering them immune to threats. Furthermore, it shares critical data with the WAF and antivirus systems, adding an extra layer of security to your servers.

Security Shield

Imunify360 offers advanced detection capabilities for a wide range of security threats, whether they’re well-known or previously unseen, such as zero-day vulnerabilities and widespread brute force attacks.


By centralizing all security settings into a single dashboard, Imunify360 helps you save on your budget. You no longer need to juggle multiple solutions from different providers, streamlining both your security management and expenses.


Imunify360’s integrated interface within your hosting control panel simplifies the process of monitoring your server’s security status. It provides an easy-to-use platform for overseeing and ensuring the overall well-being of your server’s security.

Why Choose Our Imunify 360 Service with Hostcats in Bangalore

Complete Server SecurityEnsure your servers are shielded from malicious attacks with Imunify 360, the ultimate all-in-one security solution available through Hostcats.

Advanced Threat Recognition Imunify 360 harnesses the potential of machine learning and AI-driven algorithms to detect and thwart both familiar and unfamiliar threats in real-time. This guarantees the safety of your website and server by keeping malware at bay.

Customized ProtectionOur Imunify 360 service at Hostcats delivers a personalized defense mechanism that continuously monitors server logs. It proactively implements security measures to intercept potential attacks before they pose a threat. This proactive approach greatly diminishes the risk of website downtime and potential data breaches.

Guardian of Web Applications With our web application firewall in action, your website remains shielded from common web-based threats such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting. This steadfast protection ensures the ongoing security and integrity of your website.

Comprehensive Security Suite Imunify 360 is more than just a basic security solution; it constitutes a comprehensive security suite encompassing a wide array of protective features. This suite includes intrusion detection, file integrity monitoring, and blacklist monitoring, providing all-encompassing protection for your website.

Benefits of Hostcats Imunify360 security in Bangalore

Imunify360, in collaboration with Hostcats, offers a multitude of advantages to fortify your web hosting against diverse threats. At its core, Imunify360 boasts an advanced firewall bolstered by artificial intelligence. This formidable firewall stands guard, leveraging AI to swiftly detect emerging threats, whether they be brute force assaults, DoS attacks, or port scans. It’s a dynamic shield ready to safeguard your hosting environment.

One of its standout features is its proactive threat detection mechanism, which taps into a global network of data for analysis. Imunify360 acts preemptively, intercepting potential attackers even before they make a move against your website. It’s a vigilant guardian, providing an additional layer of protection.

Furthermore, Imunify360 excels in real-time scanning of file systems, ensuring swift identification and quarantine of any injected malware, thereby safeguarding the integrity of your data. Moreover, it automates kernel security through KernelCare, eliminating the need for server restarts while keeping your server’s kernel up to date and secure.

Lastly, Imunify360 goes the extra mile with intelligent intrusion detection to minimize false positives, making it highly effective in distinguishing genuine threats from benign activities. It also offers additional features such as domain reputation tracking and an advanced Captcha system to verify the authenticity of website visitors. Imunify360, in partnership with Hostcats, is your comprehensive security solution, ensuring your online presence remains safe and secure.

Imunify360 safeguards your website at Hostcats in Bangalore

Proactive Security

Imunify360 takes a proactive approach by effectively identifying and halting all forms of malware, whether they are familiar threats or entirely new ones. It doesn’t stop at just blocking them—it also prevents them from reemerging in the future.

Enhanced PHP Protection

Security suite provides comprehensive protection for all PHP versions, effectively safeguarding against vulnerabilities. Eliminates the need for frequent updates to align with the latest PHP releases, ensuring flexibility and security for your applications.

Vulnerability Detection

Imunify360 employs advanced security like active firewall, CAPTCHA, IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention), malware scanning, and antivirus tools. These work together to identify vulnerabilities before they have chance to surface.

Web Application Firewall

Imunify360 features a powerful Web Application Firewall (WAF) that effectively protects your website from DoS attacks, port scans, and distributed brute force attacks.

Rebootless Kernel Updates

To bolster security, Imunify360 provides automated kernel updates that don’t require server reboots, ensuring continuous protection without disruption.

Imunify360 Cloud Backup

As an added benefit, you receive 10GB of storage space for backups at no additional cost, enhancing data protection and recovery options.

Explore the protective capabilities of Hostcats Imunify360 protection in Bangalore

Incident Management Dashboard Stay informed with a dashboard providing real-time updates on your website’s security status, refreshing every 30 seconds.

Advanced AI Firewall Imunify360’s cutting-edge AI-powered firewall acts as a strong barrier, preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to your servers.

Intrusion Prevention System A robust collection of “deny” policy rules actively blocks all known attacks, ensuring the safety of your server.

Intrusion Detection System Imunify360 scans all log files, enabling automatic bans of IPs displaying suspicious and malicious behavior.

Effortless Patch Management Enjoy automatic updates for your website server, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Constant Malware Scanning Imunify360 conducts continuous scans of your file systems, promptly quarantining any infected files it detects.

PHP Security Enhancement Benefit from ongoing patching of all PHP versions to shield against known vulnerabilities.

Rebootless Kernel Updates Automatic kernel updates are seamlessly applied without necessitating a server reboot, ensuring uninterrupted security.

Imunify360 Malware Defense Security Features Explained at Hostcats in Bangalore

Comprehensive Defense Against Cyber Attacks Imunify360 is dedicated to establishing an extensive defense system that shields digital assets, networks, and systems against unauthorized access and cyber threats. It employs advanced security measures like firewalls, encryption, intrusion detection systems, and vulnerability assessments to prevent, detect, and respond effectively to cyber attacks, ensuring top-notch protection for users.

Minimized False Positive Alerts Imunify360 prioritizes the reduction of false positive alerts, ensuring that security notifications are accurate and reliable. This comprehensive security platform guards against various threats, including malware, viruses, and unauthorized access attempts, while striving to minimize false alarms.

Robust Technology Against Malware Imunify360 employs potent defensive technology that safeguards your system from both known and emerging malware threats. It utilizes cutting-edge methods like behavioral analysis, machine learning algorithms, real-time threat intelligence, and signature-based detection to identify and block malicious software, offering proactive defense against evolving threats.

Effortless Integration and 24/7 Support Imunify360 seamlessly integrates into your hosting control panel, ensuring a hassle-free experience. It effortlessly becomes a part of your hosting environment, allowing easy setup and management of security features. Moreover, 24/7 support ensures you have assistance whenever you need it.

Multi-Layered Security for Linux Servers Imunify360 adopts a comprehensive approach to safeguarding your Linux web server, implementing multiple layers of security to tackle a range of security threats.

Network-Level Layered Protection Imunify360 takes security a step further with network-level protection that extends beyond conventional measures, adding advanced layers of defense to shield your server.

Advanced Web-Application Firewall Imunify360’s advanced web-application firewall (WAF) effectively safeguards your servers and keeps them operational by analyzing and blocking malicious web traffic that could compromise your web applications.

Proactive Defense Against Malware Imunify360 employs proactive measures to eliminate the risk of malware infecting your server, ensuring robust protection against such threats.

Intrusion Detection and Prevention An advanced Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) actively monitors and safeguards your server against unauthorized access attempts and malicious activities, enhancing overall security.

Rapid Recovery from Infected Files Imunify360 offers the capability to swiftly restore infected files to a clean state using backups, ensuring efficient recovery from malware or security breaches.

Effortless Centralized Threat Monitoring Monitoring and managing security threats across multiple servers or environments are made effortless with Imunify360’s user-friendly, centralized interface.

File-System Level Protection Imunify360 incorporates robust security measures at the file-system level to safeguard against threats during file input and output operations, bolstering security during file interactions.


Yes, Imunify360 is compatible with all hosting plans provided by Hostcats in Bangalore, ensuring that your website remains protected regardless of the hosting package you choose.

No, Imunify360 is designed to provide robust security without compromising your website's performance. It operates efficiently in the background to protect your site without causing slowdowns.

Yes, Imunify360 includes malware scanning and removal features that help protect your website from malware and viruses, ensuring the integrity of your site's files.

Imunify360 employs various techniques to defend against DDoS attacks, including rate limiting, connection tracking, and traffic filtering, to ensure your website remains available during such attacks.

Imunify360 regularly updates its security definitions to stay ahead of emerging threats, providing ongoing protection for your website hosted with Hostcats.

Yes, Imunify360 offers configuration options, allowing you to customize security settings to meet your specific website requirements and preferences.

Yes, Imunify360 offers real-time alerts and notifications, keeping you informed about security events and potential threats to your website.

Yes, Hostcats provides customer support, including assistance with Imunify360-related issues, ensuring that you receive prompt help when needed.

You can typically enable Imunify360 through your hosting control panel or by reaching out to the Hostcats support team. They will guide you through the setup process to enhance your website's security.